REU students to organize and run symposium at ACS National Meeting in New Orleans March 2018

Author: Marya Lieberman

Analytical chemistry is a powerful tool to identify, characterize, and solve interdisciplinary problems in the global development sector. Leaders in academia, industry, governmental agencies, and the nonprofit sector contribute significantly to overcome challenges in the developing world. Collaboration among these academics and professionals is essential. As REU students in analytical chemistry at the University of Notre Dame, we are organizing a Symposium on Analytical Chemistry in the Developing World at the 2018 spring ACS National Meeting in New Orleans. Our research projects focus on topics such as energy, food, water, and public health. We are interested in inviting top leaders and researchers from across these disciplines to further the discussion about obstacles faced in resource-limited areas.  This event will be a multi-day symposium with sessions on energy, food, water, and public health and a special section of posters in the Analytical poster session.  Scheduling is still being set up, watch this space for more news.